Surrey League – Handicap series

Home Forums Race Reports Surrey League – Handicap series

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    • #793
      Chris B


      The handicap series for 2015 is starting on the 30th of April. The first race is starting at Kitsmead Lane, West Surrey, so may be a bit far to get to but the following is at The Fox Revived (Norwood Hill, Horley, Surrey RH6 0ET).

      Racing starts at 7:15 but entrants are advised to get there at least 30 mins earlier to ensure a place. Races continue every Thursday for the next few months and are a good opportunity to hone racing skills and wake the lungs up from Winter.

      Let me know if you’re keen…


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Chris B.
    • #796
      David Tyler

      Thanks Chris

      This is just for Elite/1/2/3 right? No cat 4s.

      There website is crap. I don’t know how they make them so bad but I noticed they have a vets (old F•••kers) racing at Dunsfold. Looks like there are different age groups. Do you know a contact at SL I can ask questions to? Might be a few others who would like to get involved.

      David T

    • #797
      Chris B

      Yeah, E/1/2/3’s. Glyn Durrant is probably the best person to contact:

      There website is shocking, be a good gig for you to re-design?

    • #798
      Chris Hewitt

      Hmmm, Thurs 7 May might work. Need to double check that I can get out of work a bit early that day. If I can then I might join you.


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